The original that started it all, the first video game I ever made, a platformer about a white girl rapper played by hundreds of thousands, much to my own chagrin.
It's kinda silly, but it might just kill your productivity for an hour or two.
The tighter, polished, challenging - yet totally more obscure - sequel to my first game. This time created in official capacity for Kreayshawn - a Columbia recording artist's - management at the launch of her debut album (only available at Hot Topic, yes really, yeah it definitely seemed a bad idea at the time).
I would be incredibly proud of if it only they actually got around to paying me for it. Avoid dealings with the music industry if you can help it, kids.
An arcade style game where you play as a former fourties Femme Fatale turned bored fifties housewife. You must clean up the previous nights cocktail soiree while avoiding your 2.5 kids and horny hubby. Hint: don't just play it once!
A DMG weekend jam game (that got a little bit of post-production and polish) in collaboration with Britney Oberfeld, Kimberly Korona and Izzie Colpits Cambell that turned out pretty gosh-darn swell! I contributed all the sprites, as well as inspiration and art direction.
Another Game Jam game, this time done for THE BIG ONE - TOJAM 9. Every year, hundreds of gamemakers from all over the world come to Toronto to make a game in a weekend, panic a lot, and eat too much pizza.
Along with the aforementioned Britney, Kimberly and newcomer to the team Benjamin Langerak, we decided on a sprawling, procedurally-generated, evolution simulator - for kids! In the end, we did scale down a little, but I still managed to create hundreds of frames of sprite animation from scratch in one - far too short - weekend. At the time, two of the team members (Kim and I) had small babies. I think we deserve medals, frankly.
Gwillimbury Hall (still in Development)
A board game about a big old manor in the country side filled with distinguished guests, disgruntled servants, eccentric family members and a whole lot of intrigue and scheming.
Think a Wodehouse novel played out with cardboard and dice.
Dead Rover (still in pre-development)
Post-apocalyptic world as boy-free playground where deadly adorable girl gangs with great hair roam the planet battling each other for survival, resources, lipstick, hamburgers.
Gameplay will be like Red Rover meets Clash of Heroes, meets riot girl, (whatever that means).